Introducing Summits Education

Most successful, modern societies share four components — a strong and growing economy, strong community-led organizations and government, excellent healthcare and nutrition, and excellent education — each accessible to all members of society.

Summits Education is a new model for education in the Central Plateau of Haiti. We are investing in Haiti’s most important asset, its people. Our programs are geared to increase the standards for academic rigor for both students and teachers, resulting in a future generation of change makers in Haiti.

We are close partners of Zanmi Lasante (Partners-In-Health Haiti), an organization which provides exceptional healthcare to millions of Haitians each year, and known for their world-class hospital and medical university in the Central Plateau. We’re also working closely with local and national governments and selected other educational NGOs working in our region.

Summits Education consists of three components -

Summits Primary — 42 primary schools founded by Zanmi Lasante, spread across the Central Plateau. The goals of these schools are to dramatically improve literacy and critical thinking. Many of these schools have been built by our partners at Digicel Foundation, and have been operationally funded by The Kellogg Foundation and by the Haitian government.
Summits Training — an intensive training program for our 345 teachers and school administrators. This team educates nearly 10,000 students across our 42 schools. These highly literate students will help form the future of the Central Plateau.
Summits Academy — a modern college prep high school for the most academically-driven boys and girls in the region. We expect great things from our graduates. We’re going to partner with them throughout their college years and beyond, to accompany them as they use their education to advance various causes across Haiti.

Summits is led by my cofounder and Executive Director, Mike Chambers, who is based in Boston MA US and in Haiti.

For more information, please visit to see how you can get involved in improving education in Haiti. Partners-In-Health first brought me to Haiti a dozen years ago, and they taught me how to form a world-class international team, working closely with partners in government and NGOs alike. Please join us in this new mission of excellent education in Haiti.